Hair Restoration

PRP and AnteAGE MD Hair Restoration

Regenerate your hair growth without expensive devices or surgical procedures! PRP and AnteAGE MD Hair Restoration solution incorporate recent advances in hair follicle science. They regenerate hair growth by awakening the sleeping stem cells inside the hair follicle, returning them to a more youthful and active growth pattern. The concentrated stem cells and growth factors are then injected directly into the scalp in the areas where hair growth is desired. This can be done through a series of small injections. As long as you have small amounts of fuzz or growth in the areas you wish to improve, this protocol's growth factor technology will reboot your hair cycle.

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Hair Restoration

Per Session

3-6 sessions are recommended for optimal results.

Pre-purchase 3 sessions, get 20% off 3rd session.



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AnteAGE Home Hair Kit

If purchased with in-office treatment.

Also sold separately for $180

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Hair Serum Refill

In-office hair restoration patients ONLY for $110

Also sold separately for $140

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